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Sleep & Mood are connected

Sleep & Mood are connected

Do you suffer from poor sleep or no sleep? If you find yourself stressed during the day and at your wit’s end, it may be the reason why getting a good night’s sleep has become hard for you. The reverse is also true. Our ability to catch a good eight hours of sleep affects our mood the next day. Whether or not we acknowledge it, our sleep and mood are connected. Many studies have established that stress, anxiety, and depression affect our ability to sleep and vice-versa.  If you want to wake up feeling refreshed, have more energy, and get better sleep, it may be time to look at supplements that can improve your mood and your resilience to stress. In the following article, we take a closer look at sleep, our mood, and the connection between the two. We also examine a supplement that can improve our overall well-being so that you can enjoy better quality rest and wake up feeling ready to seize the day. Why Is It Important To Get Enough Sleep? There are many reasons why good sleep is important. Perhaps the most important reason of all is restful sleep leads to a longer life.  Let’s review the benefits of good sleep: Better Physical Health Studies suggest that sleeping for less than 6 hours a day can lead to obesity, diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. In extreme situations, it can also lead to a stroke! If you’re trying to be fit and improve your physical health, lack of sleep can seriously hinder your progress. This is because sleep helps to balance the hormones known as ghrelin and leptin. They make you feel hungry and satiated. If these hormones are unbalanced due to lack of sleep, your appetite can drastically increase and cause you to eat more. In fact, your chances of becoming obese increases by 41 percent. In addition, sleep affects how your body processes insulin. This is why lack of sleep can cause your blood sugar levels to shoot up and can put you at risk for diabetes. That’s not all. Without the right amount of sleep, your immune system becomes compromised leaving you vulnerable to common infections and illnesses. Add to the list the lethargy and grogginess that accompanies sleep deprivation and you’re less likely to stick to your workout regime. Concentration and Stamina Have you ever noticed how after a poor night’s sleep you find it harder to concentrate and perform your regular activities? That’s sleep deprivation and it can get worse if it continues for days or weeks. If you don’t get enough sleep, it will affect your productivity and performance. You may take longer to do certain tasks due to impeded brain function and a slower reaction time. Plus, you’re also more prone to making mistakes if you haven’t slept well. Not to mention that correcting these mistakes can further affect your productivity and output. Another unwanted side effect is microsleep or brief moments of sleep that happen while you’re awake but your brain momentarily “shuts down.” As you can imagine, this is extremely dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are around 100,000 car crashes, almost 800 deaths, and around 50,000 injuries each year due to people who are too drowsy to drive. Improves Neurological and Emotional Well-being Sleep enables your brain to function properly and prepare for the day ahead. A good night’s rest is, therefore, essential if you want to learn new things and retain information better. It also enhances your problem-solving abilities, attention, and creativity. You can feel emotionally low if you haven’t slept well. Anger, irritability, moodiness, lack of motivation, depression, impulsivity, and stress are all linked to less sleep.  If you wish to be happier and healthier, you should be clocking in 8 hours of sleep. If you’re struggling to sleep, it may be due to underlying factors like your mood.  How Does Your Mood Affect Sleep? While sleepless nights can affect your mood and make you feel negative, angry, and irritable, the reverse is also true since moods and emotions can affect sleep. We live stressful lives and it’s no secret that stress and anxiety can lead to sleepless nights. If you’re worried or stressed about something throughout the day, it’s likely to cause “mental hyperarousal” (a heightened state of anxiety) at night which can result in insomnia. Even if you manage to doze off, you may not get quality REM (rapid eye movement) sleep which can make you feel irritable and tired the next day. It can be a vicious cycle when your mood and sleep are poor. Stress and anxiety can lead to insomnia which can aggravate physical and mental problems, thereby worsening any anxiety. How can you cope with these problems while promoting better quality of life and longevity? Let’s have a look. How to Promote Overall Well-Being You can improve your sleep and mood by making lifestyle changes that include: Adopting a routine sleep schedule Meditation Exercise Decreasing caffeine and alcohol intake Warm baths Healthy foods Getting enough sunlight and vitamin D These measures can help restore your circadian rhythm and natural sleep cycle. You can also take natural supplements like Centenarius Sleep & Mood Formula to boost your resilience to stress and improve your mood which will help you get better, natural sleep.  About Centenarius Sleep & Mood Formula The Sleep & Mood Formula by Centenarius Nutrition is a clean, and innovative formula. It uses only the highest quality ingredients to help you get the peaceful sleep and mental calmness you need for Longevity and Wellbeing. The Revolutionary Formula consists of four ingredients that work together so you can enjoy:  Peaceful, restorative sleep  Enhanced recovery so you wake up feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and energetic Mood enhancement and UpLiftment - feel relaxed so you can fall asleep faster Mental clarity and calmness for better focus General health and well-being without risk of addiction  Boost Productivity  Let’s take a look at what makes it so effective during the day and night: SunTheanine SunTheanine is our patented form of L-theanine — the chemical that naturally occurs in green tea and helps with relaxation. SunTheanine is produced through a fermentation process to mimic the effects of green tea. It has a calming effect that boosts energy and focus. It helps you remain alert and concentrate better when taken during the day. At night, its relaxing effect allows you to get good, quality sleep and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated the next day. Pharma Gaba Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a calming neurotransmitter that helps you remain calm, peaceful, and tranquil. It allows you to sleep better while making it easier to focus and concentrate during the day. It also promotes the development of lean muscle mass when you workout. Cleanmood Cleanmood is an organic 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) ingredient and a precursor to the brain’s serotonin production that responsible for regulating “happy” mood. It also supports healthy weight management, sleep, stress control, and better sleep. It is a water soluble, plant-based, organic, and vegetarian ingredient that promotes better health. TRAACS Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate  The magnesium bisglycinate chelate we use in our formula is the most bioavailable form of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is dubbed the “invisible deficiency” since up to 20 percent of Americans are believed to have low magnesium levels. Magnesium plays important role in your nervous system helping to activate mechanism that quit and calm you. This essential mineral is used by your heart, muscles, and kidneys. It’s extremely important for your overall health. To promote longevity, Centenarius Nutrition uses an easily absorbable form of magnesium so your body can process it, use it, and benefit from it. Conclusion Centenarius Nutrition believes that simple lifestyle adjustments can have huge benefits to your longevity and quality of life. Supplements like our Sleep & Mood Formula can help you make holistic changes since it supports good rest and mood. Our science-backed formulation and high-quality ingredients are designed to promote deep sleep, enhance recovery, and support a positive mood while increasing focus and mental clarity.

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Protein for Longevity

Protein for Longevity

There is no doubt that our body changes naturally with age. For example, the high risk of chronic diseases, loss of appetite and decreased metabolism are few factors that every person faces with increasing age. There is nothing you can do to stop aging, however, lifestyle changes play a vital role in impacting the rate at which these changes occur, so you can age with grace and vitality. While carbohydrates and fats are your enemies in providing a healthy lifestyle, protein is the nutrient that acts as an anti-aging agent for your body. It decreases the risk of conditions, such as osteoporosis. It controls blood sugar levels and aids in maintaining a healthy immune system. Protein not only helps in muscle growth and weight loss, but it is also popular for decreasing the anti-aging effects.  With ever increasing advancement in health technology, nutrition and medicine, people are more aware and health conscious now.  Now people know that it is necessary to have a high protein diet along with whey protein supplementation to achieve and maintain a lean body mass. Let’s discuss some of the prominent benefits of a high protein diet and how it helps in maintaining your health, thus keeping you young and fit. Protein for Healthy Nails, Hair and Skin In our body almost every cell is made from the protein building blocks, for example, muscles, bones, skin and hair. Protein comprises of amino acids, including L-proline and L-lysine, which help to produce collagen. Collagen provides structure and strength to the skin but it breaks down with age. This results in pronounced wrinkles, dehydrated and saggy skin.  When you have sufficient protein in your diet then this manages your collagen levels, making your skin less prone to wrinkles and firmer. In the same way, lack of protein can lead to hair loss and extremely thin nails. There are several amino acids that come from quality protein sources and your body does not produce them naturally. Protein shakes, such as Centenarius Protein is an important source of protein that can fill your nutritional needs easily. It contains chains of amino acids that help support thicker hair and glowing, firm and healthy skin. Prevent Osteoporosis As you age, you lose the ability to uphold strong muscles and bones effectively. According to a study, adults who do not consume enough protein are more likely to have a substantial loss of bone density, specifically in their spines and hips. A protein rich diet is the easiest solution to have healthier muscles and bones. This research was conducted regarding protein and healthy aging and was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study concluded that those who had protein-rich diet were able to stop osteoporotic fractures and speed up the bone fracture healing process. Not only this, whey protein decreases the impacts of chronic illness. Apart from taking protein through meat, you can consume whey protein shakes, such as Centenarius Protein as it comprises of all the essential amino acids that act as building blocks for your body. Those who are experiencing health issues linked with muscle wasting can slow down its progression by consuming whey protein. Protein that is consumed from plants is incomplete and does not have enough protein when compared to dairy proteins that have all the nine amino acids. Whey protein is one of the dairy protein that you must have in your daily diet to achieve health advantages. Protein Helps to Boost Cognitive Abilities When you take an ample amount of protein in your diet, this aids in maintaining your brain functions as well as boost your mood. There are specific amino acids that are required to control your mood and balance hormones. Those who lack the key amino acids experience increased anxiety, mood swings and weakness. As per the US Institute of Medicine, Protein manages our hormone levels effectively, including serotonin and dopamine that make you feel good and keep you calm. In order to focus and concentrate properly, our brain needs a continuous supply of amino acids which you can obtain from whey protein. As per the studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, if you want to improve your cognitive performance then you must consume whey protein. In addition, protein is helpful in stabilizing glucose in your blood, thus it prevents craving due to increased sugar levels. Protein is an Immune System Booster Whey protein consists of a tri-peptide, known as Glutathione that serves as an anti-oxidant and deals with immunity. Our body has Glutathione that occurs naturally in the cells of amino acid. The function of glutathione is to strengthen telomeres in our DNA that generally weaken as we age.  The production of glutathione decreases with age and old cells contain much lesser glutathione as compared to new cells. If you take glutathione supplements directly, it will provide you no benefit. However, as concluded by different studies the most effective way to uplift glutathione levels is through the consumption of whey protein.  Centenarius Protein is a high quality whey protein shake that has the highest glutathione precursors, including and active peptides, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and glutamylcysteine. Protein Fights With Chronic Illnesses As you age physically, it becomes easier to develop life-threatening health conditions. For example, if you are obese, then there are higher chances to get diabetes. You can decrease this risk by consuming whey protein as it aids in losing weight.  A diet that contains whey protein can manage glycemic levels and accelerates insulin releases. Besides, whey protein also helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke. A study was conducted where it was proved that intake of whey protein decreases the chances to get life-threatening health issues, improves vascular functions and aids in lowering blood pressure. With increasing age, your body is subject to the natural effects of bone and muscle weakness. However, with the intake of protein-rich meals, you can deal with these effects.

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Protein Powder for Women

Protein Powder for Women

About 20% of our body is protein. As a macronutrient, which completes carbs and fats, you use this nutrient to maintain and grow your muscles, blood vessels, blood, skin, hair, and nails. Moreover, your body synthesizes hormones and enzymes using protein. It is likely that you think about meat and other animal products when you consider protein-rich foods, isn't it?  In addition, you can add tofu, chickpeas, beans and peanuts to your diet. Although these foods are the main sources of protein, taking supplements like protein powder are what people, especially women,  turn into to fill the nutritional gap. Imagine how easy and convenient it is to add protein powder in your smoothies and still get the nutrients found in whole foods.  Before you go any further, it's important to understand how much protein your body truly requires.     How much protein do women need?  According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines,  the recommended level of protein intake for  women is about 46 grams of protein and men need around 56 grams of protein for those 19 years and older.  So, if you're wondering how much exactly you need, it depends on a number of factors, including your weight, age, goals, and level of activity.  However, a higher protein intake of 1.4 to 2.0 g/kg is needed for physically active individuals. When the activity is intensive and longer, the body's amino acids are oxidized which heightens the need for protein.  Therefore, if you're an athlete, you'll need slightly more dietary protein than someone who is sedentary.  In addition, female bodies are genetically wired to store energy for certain activities, such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, so dietary protein is even more crucial during pregnancy because it is necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby. It is still unclear how much protein is needed during pregnancy. Currently, recommended diets for pregnancy are 0.88 g per kg*day*d(1) and 1.1 g per kg*day*d(1), respectively.   Is protein powder for you?   You might be wondering whether you need additional protein support or not. But there are growing studies that support the benefits of protein powder.  Weight management  - Protein has a high thermic effect or the ability to increase your metabolism  after you eat. It has been shown that when protein is around 25–30% of total daily calories, metabolism is raised by 80–100 calories per day, as compared to low-protein diets.  If you’re looking for ways on how to shed pounds for a better looking body, adding protein powder to your diet helps with weight loss, and build new muscle. Build muscle ( Lean or bulky muscle?) - Eating just any amount of protein or adding protein supplementation is not necessarily going to help you build muscle. So, for most women who are worried about getting a bulky body, it won’t happen if you go it together with a proper workout that helps you gain muscle mass. However, if you eat too much protein, it is converted into fat and stored. Focus on putting in the work and you will achieve a hard, lean, and toned physique in no time.  Increases level of satiety -  When you eat protein-rich food or add protein supplementary intake like powder, it  reduces the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin. It also boosts the levels of peptide YY, a hormone that makes you feel full. To say it simply, protein increases levels of satiety, which makes you feel less hungry afterward.   Pregnancy and breastfeeding -  Our bodies are genetically wired to store energy for certain activities,especially for women, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Dietary protein is even more crucial because it is necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby. During this time, a breastfeeding mother does need more protein than the average woman.  This amount can vary depending on age and weight. Currently, the recommended protein for pregnancy are 0.88 g per kg*day*d(1) and 1.1 g per kg*day*d(1), respectively.   Here at Centenarius Nutrition, you can find the most clean and easily digestible whey protein isolate powder . Whey protein isn’t the same as others because it contains a range of essential amino acids. This ultra-efficient protein is designed to increase power, fuel workouts, build lean muscle, promote weight loss, and aid in recovery.  Whey protein also contains glutathione that delays the signs of ageing. It also  helps the body to create hormones that help generate healthy skin and nails.  This easily digestible whey powder doesn’t cause any bloating. What’s more, it has zero additives and no aftertaste.   Take your protein supplements for a healthier, fitter you.     CONCLUSION:  Getting your daily protein requirements completed, no matter if you're a man or a woman, is very important for your body. With a  wide array of food choices you can get from, it’s important to note and  be mindful of the protein sources, weight, age, goals, and level of activity to meet the  amount that you need.  If you’re looking for ways to meet your daily protein requirements, see what our whey protein powder can do for you.      Sources:

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What are the Effects of Glycine on Cognitive Function?

What are the Effects of Glycine on Cognitive Function?

As one of the hardest working neurotransmitters in our bodies, Glycine gets surprisingly little airtime. Very few of us even know what glycine is, so let’s dive into the basics: what glycine is, and its role in the body. Continue reading to learn more. What is Glycine? Glycine is an amino acid that is found in many protein-rich foods, as well as made by the body itself. As it stimulates the production of serotonin, it is used to treat many disorders, such as insomnia, schizophrenia, and stroke. The benefits of glycine for treating symptoms are clear but, what does taking it as a supplement achieve in everyday life?  The Benefits of Taking Glycine Memory The area of the brain that glycine is active in – the hippocampus – is important for learning and memory. When taken as a supplement, glycine has been shown to improve memory recall by binding to a modulatory site on the NMDA receptor complex, increasing its function. In place of more common solutions such as caffeine, glycine could be the perfect supplement to increase focus.  Sleep Studies have also shown the benefits of glycine on sleep. Not only does it speed up the falling asleep process, but has also been shown to improve cognition in the daytime too. As a treatment for insomnia, glycine benefits the quality of sleep. As sleep is more efficient, those who use it feel less drowsy and more alert during the day.  Anxiety Reduction Glycine also promotes the production of noradrenaline, a chemical that the body releases when under stress. So, taking glycine powder can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, as the body is ‘tricked’ into a state of calm. Promoting inhibition in the brain, which is essentially the technical term for that calming effect, glycine is crucial in maintaining balanced activity in the neural system.  These cognitive benefits of taking glycine are just the tip of the iceberg, as there are benefits linked to digestion, the building of muscle mass, and healthy blood sugar levels. Its taste is sweet like sugar and so can be used in its place; it even has anti-aging properties!  A tiny, but crucial engine in our bodies, glycine is the simplest amino acid that we would be in chaos without. Taking it as a supplement is becoming increasingly popular, as its boundless benefits are becoming more well known. But, that also means there are countless producers, which makes choosing one brand difficult.  But, which is the best glycine supplement out there? Made in Japan and of the highest quality, the Centenarius Nutrition powder is the most premium on the market. Vegan, additive-free, and tested for heavy metals, this health supplement could transform your cognitive abilities.  glycine benefits 4400, what is glycine 1600, glycine powder 880, best glycine supplement 480, benefits of taking glycine 30

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sleep for longevity, sleep disorders, beauty sleep

Sleep for Longevity

Are you used to pulling all-nighters for work or college?  Is sleep no longer your priority as you strive to get work done in the incredibly fast-paced world of today? If you answered Yes  to any of these questions, let us tell you – Me too!  Unfortunately, as work extends to overtime and college kids are hit by assignments and quizzes every other day; the sleep schedule is bound to become a mess. But here’s why you need to catch up on those 7-9 hours of required sleep every night:  Sleep matters for longevity!  Sleep and a Longer Lifespan: Is there a connection? We know what you’re thinking.  Better sleep leads to a longer life – how absurd is that notion?  But we are here to tell you as weird as it may sound, there is a connection between the level of shut eye your body gets every day, and the number of years you are expected to live.  The connection is slightly indirect. For example, a study was conducted at the Archives of Internal Medicine. Among the 153 men and women who participated, it was found that those who did not sleep enough (i.e. slept less than 7 hours at night) were 3 times more prone to developing a sickness than the ones who had enough sleep (at about 8 hours).  Therefore, lack of sleep disrupts the immune system, which in turn bears adverse impacts on our health and lifespan.  Our Bodies Work Even When We Are Fast Asleep Just as you need a break in a 9-hour work shift to refresh yourself to depict greater productivity, your brain needs a break from working all day, every day – and that break comes as a way of sleep.  However, don’t think your brain stops working when you’re asleep; it works then too!  When asleep, our brain gets the time to recharge itself, fix the imbalances, optimize metabolic rates, and start afresh the next day.  If you don’t gain sufficient asleep – as is the case with one-third of the U.S. adult population – your brain doesn’t recharge to allow your body to perform better; thus, putting you at risk of a reduced lifespan.  The Importance of Sufficient Sleep  Unfortunately, we are currently living it the age when any sleep time before 2 a.m. seems unacceptable and having no free moment is just the way it is.  Well, this is not how it should be. Your body really needs sleep to function well and maintain a healthy lifespan. Here’s how: Human Growth Hormone – the fountain of youth!  Humans have an important hormone, called the growth hormone, that is highly active during our initial part of sleep (delta stage). This is when this hormone is highest in production, and is then used for bodily restoration, building lean muscle tissue, and giving you the energy to be active.  Unsurprisingly, this hormone is also called the fountain of youth. This means, if you’re hoping for a well-functioning body that defies age, you need to be getting enough sleep so the hormone can gain momentum.   REM Sleep Prevents Neurological Diseases Our sleep goes through a number of phases. Of these, REM sleeps (or Rapid Eye Movement) is when you’re in your deepest state of sleep.  It is in this phase that the most happens with your brain. Blood circulation and oxygen levels rise, and the brain’s tissue continues to absorb amino acids. This helps prevent major diseases, including neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, in the future.  Prevention from diseases of course hints towards longevity! Sufficient Sleep Means Lesser Accidents!  Have you observed what happens when you don’t get enough sleep?  Simple, you just can’t keep your eyes open. This means lesser concentration, lesser energy, and thus a greater probability of messing up somehow.  In fact, a study discovered that people who slept for 6 hours or less a night, were 33% more likely to be involved in a car crash.  On the other hand, those with sleep levels within the 7 hours or more category only made up 9% of total motor vehicle crashes.   The Phenomena of Beauty Sleep Exists When talking about the importance of sleep, let’s not forget the benefits it bears for our skin – redefining ageless beauty.  Alas, longevity shouldn’t just mean a longer life, should it? As we age, our body develops free radicals that damage our skin. However, during sleep, these free radicals are destroyed while more skin cells are produced and repaired to make your skin truly nourished.  Get Your Sleep Routine Sorted Now you know how important sufficient sleep is for you and your long life. However, it begs the big question: How do I get my sleep routine sorted? It’s not so difficult.   Set your workout long before your sleep time  If you’re used to working out before sleep time, you should change that now. Have no meals nor indulge in intense workout just before going to sleep.  Keep the screen away If you’re facing a hard time falling asleep even after hitting the bed, maybe it’s because you haven’t turned off your tv or put your phone away yet. The blue light from these screens mess with your circadian rhythm and prevent sleep.  Make it a habit to keep all screens away and switched off when going to bed. Dim the lights  It’s not just the blue light, but bright lights too!  Set the mood before going to bed to allow sleep to come easily. Dim the lights, or completely switch them off. Have your meal early, and with Protein!  While you should have your meal way earlier than your sleep time, we ask you to include Protein in your dinners for an effective sleep.  It is thought that consuming just the right amount of protein results in minimally disrupted sleep, and improved sleep quality!  Protein Before Bed  We’ve just said having a protein dinner is good. But how? Shouldn’t it make you feel fuller, and less able to sleep?  Actually, foods with a high number of calories, sugar, and fat disrupt sleep routines. Conversely, people who consume more fiber and protein at night are able to fall asleep and stay asleep!  This means no waking up needlessly in the middle of the night, and instead obtaining the best sleep you ever had. But, this doesn’t mean you begin to consume bacon, turkey, or a heavy chicken meal before bedtime. What you need is something light but full of protein.  You need a Whey Protein Shake by Centenarius Nutrition.  Whey is the Way to Go  You must have heard that bodybuilders like to consume a whey protein shake just before bed.  They do this because protein in the form of a whey shake is easy to digest, contains natural sleep aids (bioactive milk peptides), and helps your body produce antioxidants. This helps build muscle, maintain immunity, and promote longevity.  Do you want a longer life? Do you want an improved sleep routine? End your day with  whey protein shake, and all else will follow.

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Fasting for Longevity

Fasting for Longevity

Fasting and Longevity  After periods of stringent diets and rigorous workout routines, many people turned to fasting as a way to lose weight when the trend of Intermittent Fasting took over. Little did they know, in the shape of broken fasts and time-based eating, they had possibly found the elixir of life.   What is Intermittent Fasting?  First things first, to understand the vitality of intermittent fasting, the basics of this form of time-based eating must be understood.  Intermittent Fasting is an eating pattern that revolves around periods when you are observing a fast from eating, to the time when you break your volunteered fast to re-energize yourself with food.  Major Categories Very different from dieting, Intermittent Fasting is patterned eating. Thus, it focuses on the cycle of eating followed by non-eating, and so on.  There are different methods of intermittent fasting. Some of the popular ones include: Alternate Day Fasts  Consider this like following a diet plan, with every other day being a cheat day. You can pursue a calorie-restricted diet on one day (fast), and then follow it up with a regular meal day.  Time-Restricted Feeds This involves restricting eating food to some limited hours of the day, while the remaining duration is spent as a fast. For example, the 16:8 intermittent fast plan involves 8 hours of eating followed by a 16-hour fasting window.  Day Fasting Plans  These include a few days of the week when you can decide to fast or follow a stringent diet plan. While the remaining days are spent with regular meals. An example is the 5:2 intermittent fasting plan. This includes 2 days of the week for fasting while regular meals resume for the other 5.  Intermittent Fasting: The New Path to Longer Lives? While intermittent fasting was known to reduce weight and help the digestive system; recent studies are saying it might just be the way to increased lifespans! Yes, has been shown in several studies. An act as simple as fasting might just be what you needed to enjoy longevity. many factors contribute to this.  Increased Antioxidants A calorie restricted diet and intermittent fasting result in reduced oxidative stress, thereby slowing down the speed of the aging process.  Our body has free radicals, endogenous and exogenous, that wreak havoc by damaging cells, proteins, and DNA. In contrast, the antioxidants in our body assist in countering these damages and neutralizing the harm.  Reducing our regular calorie count by intermittent fasting helps increase antioxidants and reduce free radicals; thus, promoting health and longevity. Improved Cardiovascular Health  One way to a longer life is by straying far from illnesses. This is exactly what intermittent fasting achieves. A study revealed that people who followed the 2:5 intermittent fasting plan (restricted calorie diet for 5 days of the week) for 3 months, witnessed improved cardiovascular health. This was due to lower blood pressure and cholesterol level, as well as a drastic decrease in blood sugar.  Reducing the probability of chronic diseases, as well as those related to aging, intermittent fasting promotes health.  Induced Autophagy While it may sound complicated, Autophagy simply refers to an inner cleanup in the body. Over time, our body’s cells accumulate many molecules inside them, several of which are damaged and/or harmful. Autophagy is when these damaged molecules are cleaned out.  A study in 2019 included 11 obese adults who followed the time-restricted feed method of intermittent fasting for 8 days. In the initial 4 days, they consumed food from 8 am to 2pm, while fasting the rest of the day. In the next 4 days, they ate during 8 am to 8 pm. The study concluded a positive relationship between intermittent fasting and autophagy.  Therefore, hinting that autophagy and an inner cleansing could be induced by intermittent fasting for healthier, longer living. In addition, autophagy also prevents against tumor development and several cancers. The transition to ketone-based energy If you have ever pursued a ketogenic diet, you probably know the mechanics behind it. We limit consumption of carbohydrates and sugar, so the body begins to derive energy from ketones, instead of breaking down glucose, as its reservoirs diminish.  Similarly, intermittent fasting results in a transition from deriving energy from glucose to deriving it from ketones. A study included time restricted feed, observing 6 hours of food consumption followed by an 18 hour fast every day. It was found, that as the source of energy drifted to ketones, this enhanced longevity and prevented major illnesses such as cancer.  With several health benefits, perhaps it is not wrong to consider intermittent fasting as another resolution for the year, for longevity.  The Importance of a Suitable Calorie Restricted Diet  When you eat, matters; but what you eat, matters even more! You may have realized that despite intermittent fasting being merely a cycle of food consumption, the emphasis lay on eating a low-calorie count meal. This means, if you fast an entire day and break your fast with 2 cheeseburgers and a molten lava cake later – maybe this might not be the right way to achieve longevity.  What you need is a good, filling, calorie-restricted diet that not only fulfills your nourishment needs, but also keeps you energized throughout the fasting period.  Protein is the Way to Go  Indulging on sugars and carbs is not as healthily beneficial as one would like them to be. Therefore, the safest (and most delicious!) bet is to go the protein way.  No, we don’t mean a run to the kitchen to whip up loads of bacon or other meats. Instead, the Non-GMO, Grass-fed and pasture raised whey protein, courtesy of Centenarius Nutrition is the way to go.  Not Just Another Protein Shake  Unlike the protein shakes filled with artificial sweeteners that you may find in the market; this Grass-fed whey protein powder is a wholesome meal to keep an intermittent fast. Clean, heavy-metals tested, and hormone-free, the Centenarius protein powder is synonymous to health and nutrition.  Get Your Protein Powder Today, and begin the Fasting Experience If you are thinking of adopting intermittent fasting for longevity, get your Centenarius Whey Isolate today. Mix and match in a drink of your liking and enjoy something new, every time you fast.   Protein for health – Protein for Longevity!

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Protein Deficiency

Protein Deficiency

Protein deficiency is a disease associated with insufficient intake and absorption of protein or its increased breakdown. A true protein intake deficiency can develop in people who have been malnourished, those who follow so-called mono diets, vegetarians, and people over 60 years. Secondary protein deficiency associated with its increased breakdown can accompany a number of diseases, such as severe forms of infectious diseases, burns, kidney disease, hereditary metabolic disorders. Protein is the basic building material of the body, so even mild forms of deficiency, which are asymptomatic on the surface, affect the ability to resist infection or the speed of wound healing, slow the growth of nails and hair, or cause dry skin. Severe protein deficiency can disrupt the normal function of all organs and systems.  External Manifestations of protein deficiency: general weakness; progressive weight loss; hair brittleness, dullness, and loss; brittle nails; dry and flaky skin; edema. Manifestations on the nervous system’s part: drowsiness and increased fatigue; headaches; decreased mental activity; unstable mood; insomnia. Manifestations on the musculoskeletal system’s part: muscle pain and, less frequently, joint pain; stunted growth (in children); decreased mass and visible volume of muscles; muscle weakness. Manifestations on the digestive organs’ part: increased craving for sweets; diabetes mellitus due to increased breakdown of protein; nausea; abdominal pain and bloating; altered defecation pattern; enlarged liver. Protein is one of the basic nutrients that perform the following functions in the body.  Construction – protein is part of all cells of the human body; it is the basis for the existence of life. Aesthetic – proteins are involved in the formation of hair and nails, form the protective covering of the eye, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Even something as smooth as skin is directly dependent on the protein it contains. Motor and contractile. Protein is the main component of muscle tissue that makes it work. Transport. Many proteins are able to bind to nutrients in the blood and transport them to organs and tissues. An example of a transport protein is hemoglobin contained in red blood cells (erythrocytes), which carries out oxygen transport. Protective. The body produces specific proteins (antibodies) that provide protection against microorganisms and viruses. Enzymatic. Enzymes are proteins that are involved in all chemical processes in the body (for example, in the digestion of food). Hormonal. Most hormones in the human body are proteins. Proteins are complex substances that, like a chain, consist of links called amino acids. The sequence of amino acids is individual for each body, so the protein that comes with food in the process of digestion is broken down to the level of individual links, from which it then composes its own sequence. Some amino acids can be formed in the human body, while others (also called essential amino acids) come only with food. The role of essential amino acids is so great that without them protein formation becomes impossible. If any essential amino acids are missing or not absorbed in the diet, the balance between protein breakdown and synthesis can shift toward breakdown and lead to protein deficiency. Impaired absorption of essential amino acids is a hereditary pathology. The following diseases are the most significant in the development of chronic protein deficiency.   Phenylketonuria is the disorder of amino acid phenylalanine metabolism. Phenylalanine is involved in the formation of almost all proteins in the human body, especially the proteins of the nervous system. The disease is characterized by an absence or insufficient level in the liver of a special protein (enzyme) responsible for the assimilation of this amino acid. As a result, there is an excessive accumulation of it in the tissues.  Tyrosine exchange – tyrosine is an amino acid necessary for the formation of one of the main protein pigments of the human body, melanin, therefore, albinism (pale skin, discolored hair and iris) is one of the manifestations of its disturbed metabolism. Tyrosine is also required for the formation of thyroid hormones. The correction of protein deficiency starts with replenishing protein volume and normalization of protein metabolism. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by supplementing with the Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate. For this reason Centenarius Nutrition developed the most clean source of Protein using revolutionary ice cold cross flow micro-filtration that removes all fat, carbs and lactose ensuring a non bloating and ultra digestible form of protein.   

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Benefits of Whey Protein

Benefits of Whey Protein

Why should you go for Whey Protein Isolate? Protein supplements have become quite popular amongst health and fitness trainers who are striving to make their bodies look great. While adding fibers, carbs, meat and veggies to your diet is essential, protein is another crucial nutrient your body needs to repair cells, makes enzymes and other chemicals.  One such protein that is useful for muscle growth is Whey Protein. There is a variety of supplements available in the market but Whey Protein supplement is one of the effective nutritional supplements that’s associated with many benefits. What is Whey Protein?  Milk consists of two proteins: whey and casein and both of them are byproducts of cheese.  During the production of cheese, enzymes are added into the milk. As a result, the casein present in milk solidify to form a curd leaving a liquid substance i.e. called Whey Protein. Whey contains 9 essential amino acids that is easily digestible and absorbable into your body.  Types of Whey Protein Whey can be filtered further into different forms: hydrolysate, concentrate and isolate. Out of which, whey protein Isolate is highly pure and contains the highest amount of protein content with zero fat since Whey isolate has to undergo various filtering techniques. It’s a perfect choice for those who want to reduce carb, lactose and fat intake. When the liquid is separated from the curd and processed, there are methods to increase the percentage of protein. Once the percentage of protein reaches 80%, it’s converted into powdered form called whey protein concentrate (WPC). The remaining 20% contains carbs and lactose. The whey protein concentrate is sweeter in taste due to increased levels of lactose and calories.  This factor will not be suitable for people who are lactose intolerant and have stomach problems.  Another type of whey protein is protein hydrolysate. They are formed by the process of hydrolysis in which some amino acids break down when they are exposed to enzymes and heat. The body is able to absorb protein hydrolysates almost as quick as Isolate protein and increases the speed of delivery of the amino acids to your muscles.  Whey Protein Isolate vs Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate contains higher concentrations of protein as compared to Whey Protein concentrate. Whey protein isolate is made up of 90% of protein so there is a higher ratio of protein to calorie, which is optimal.  On the other hand, Whey protein concentrate supplements have only 30%-80% protein content.  Therefore, it’s not the purest form of protein, nor the cleanest. The protein is typically used in consumer goods such as chocolates, beverages, snacks and shakes.  Professional Athletes and trainers use Isolate because it contains fewer amounts of impurities and those who are allergic to lactose can chose isolate whey protein for consumption.  The taste also varies according to the protein type. Isolates make a smoother protein smoothie and have a less sweet taste than concentrate. Concentrates are sweeter due to the lactose content.  Benefits of Whey Protein Isolate Many studies have shown the health benefits of the miracle protein for fitness conscious trainers. One study shows that those who incorporated protein supplements into their diet found a massive improvement in body mass and muscular strength. Here is why you should add Whey Protein isolate to your body and you’ll see the difference for yourself: Strengthens your immune system  Whey Protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids that are needed by your body. Healthy foods containing amino acids are utilized by your body. Also, the body itself produces the vital nutrients. By increasing the intake of whey protein, you’ll notice how it boosts immunity and compensates the protein consumption.  The protein contains leucine and cysteine that regulates glutathione levels, ensuring that your immune system remains strong. This means that you can actively perform high-intensity workout sessions without feeling fatigue and having gastric problems.  Reduces your hunger There are studies that have shown whey protein can satiate your hunger and minimize food cravings. If you combine workout and whey protein supplements, you’ll not only lose weight but also experience gain in mass. Your food cravings are controlled.  Improves muscular strength Increase your muscle mass with whey protein as it eliminates fats and replaces it with healthy proteins and amino acids that can aid with post-workout strain and gain muscle mass. Taking whey protein supplements after a pre and post-workout sessions can definitely promote muscle growth. Encourages fat loss Shedding fat and increasing muscle size, both can be a tough challenge for a fitness fanatic. With Whey protein supplements users can enjoy the health benefits without worrying about loading up on calories and fats as it contains 90% proteins.  Keeps your blood sugar levels in control Whey protein has the ability to lower down sugar levels and treat Type 2 Diabetic patients. It can increase insulin levels to make sure that your blood sugar levels are healthy.  Reduce Inflammation Inflammation is when your body gives a response to any injury/illness but there are times when inflammation can have a disastrous effect on your health.  Studies have shown that whey protein can decrease the blood levels of C-reactive protein which is responsible for causing inflammation.  What to Consider Before Buying Whey Protein Isolate Weight loss If you want to achieve weight loss and you’re concerned about your total calories intake, taking Isolate is a better option as it has less calories as compared to concentrate. Price Whey Protein Isolate is slightly more expensive than concentrate because whey protein has to go through various filtration stages to obtain isolate status.  Stomach Problems If your stomach is sensitive to lactose and find it hard to digest thicker form of whey protein supplements, you won’t go wrong with Isolate. It’s completely free from lactose.    Centenarius Nutrition Certified Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate If you’re looking for pure and clean Whey Protein Isolate, get your hands on the Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate by Centenarius! It’s free of hormones, gluten, impurities, heavy metals and soy. Their grass fed Whey has higher nutritional content in contrast to regular whey protein. Therefore, the supplement offers Grass Fed whey benefits since it contains BCAAs plus macronutrients that are anti-oxidants to reduce inflammation.  There are absolutely no sweeteners or additives added to the supplement. You can use it in your shakes and enjoy the taste. Unlike Centenarius, other popular supplements contain heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic that can put your health at risk.  Undoubtedly, Centenarius Whey Protein Isolate is just the single best and purest ingredient that is easily digestible, gives you the fuel you need to perform extensive workouts, helps you to achieve weight loss goals and gives you immense health benefits. 

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Why Whey?

Why Whey?

Always popular with athletes and the physically active for its ability to help build muscle mass and recover from workouts, new studies have shown that whey protein also has impressive longevity benefits that can mimic those of calorie restriction. Not to mention Whey has the ability to optimize immunity factors as well as maximize glutathione.                                                                                     Whey protein isn’t just a supplement only used by athletes wanting to increase their muscle mass. Now evolving research suggests that the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine, and valine and other fractions found in whey can mimic the longevity benefits of calorie restriction!                                          Caloric restriction (CR), i.e., reducing calorie availability by ~20–50%, is one of the few known strategies that can extend lifespan. In short-lived species such as rodents, caloric restriction can increase maximal lifespan up to 50% while improving general health and decreasing aging-associated diseases Scientists recently investigated the life span effects of a balanced amino acid mixture high in the branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) found in Whey Protein. As in earlier studies on other organisms they found branched chain amino acids significantly increased life span in mice. Amino acids are proven to help produce serotonin, the neurotransmitter related to mood (happiness/depression), and assists you in achieving REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Another benefit to amino acids is they help lesson fatigue and assist in muscle recovery immediately after exercise. On the other hand, they prevent muscle loss and work to preserve lean body mass.     Finally, BCAAs in the proper amount will help you lose unhealthy body fat. Whey protein, to this result, fortunately, contains all these naturally occurring amino acids to stand up to this claim. Centenarius Grass fed whey carriers up to 20% more BCAA’s than cattle fed grain or even organic grain diets!                                               Centenarius Whey Isolate is a great “superfood” providing all 18 amino acids, naturally occurring bioactive components such as immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, and a cysteine concentration over 4-fold higher than other proteins—all in a highly absorbable form! And whey is one of the greatest foods for maximizing glutathione, the endogenous antioxidant that quenches oxidative stress to inhibit diseases of aging. In addition to extending life span, whey has been found to reduce muscle wasting as we age, reduce the risk of diabetes, inhibit cancer development, and defend against cognitive decline.   Another key benefit of our Grass fed whey Isolate is the fact it is also beneficial for anybody looking to burn body fat whilst simultaneously preserving and building lean muscle mass. Protein is thermogenic, which means that the body struggles to digest it and break it down, even in supplement form, meaning that it has to work harder and therefore burns off more calories just by digesting the protein. It helps keep you feeling full longer, so you’re less likely to overeat and consume more calories than necessary, and as if that wasn’t enough, there is also the added benefit of the fact lean muscle requires more calories to maintain than body fat, so the more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism becomes by simply maintaining your body in its current state.      Finally, the last reason why you should seriously consider supplementing with Centenarius Grass fed whey protein, is down to the fact that it’s incredibly convenient and delicious. It has been recommended to aim for between 1g and 1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight, and so that is a lot of protein to aim for, especially if you only consume whole foods.    Our protein supplement however, can simply be mixed with milk or water, is given a quick shake, and can then be consumed immediately, providing nearly 30g of protein per serving. For times when you are in a rush, or for when you need protein right away I.E after a workout, our whey protein shake just cannot be beaten. When you factor in the fact that they have a full spectrum amino acid profile as well, and it’s no wonder why whey protein is the most popular supplement in the entire world. Given all these benefits, whey has now been substantiated by significant science as a powerful super food in the quest for healthy longevity!     At Centenarius our Whey is of the highest purity both in its essence and its filtration. We start with certified Grass fed cattle pasture raised on virgin grass in Ireland. Our ice cold cross flow micro-filtration system removes all fat, carbs and lactose ensuring a pure, non bloating and easily digestible Whey protein Isolate that doesn’t get any cleaner.      Why are Irish Grass-Fed Dairy Products the absolute best? In 2019  Ireland became the first and only country in the world to nationalize a grass-fed dairy product standard that enforces all grass-fed claims made on dairy products, including whey protein. To satisfy the national Irish Food Board (Bord Bia) and claim "grass-fed" on a product, a 90% verified grass-fed diet is the land's current criteria, which is law.                                        Irish grass-fed dairy intrinsically sets itself apart from all countries; when a dairy product is exported from Ireland that claims to be grass-fed, rest assured it is. In the United States, "grass-fed" claims on dairy products is the equivalent to the terms "premium," "NaTuRal," and "Wholesome".

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